Sunday, October 12, 2008

The World today...

"Bang!!" , a loud shot was heard, and then a muffled scream followed by a dull thud. You know what that was? That was the sound of a child being shot dead in Rio de Janeiro. Police patrol officers shoot down illegitimate children that roam the streets in the day and scavenge the dumps at night for something to fill their empty stomachs that are contorted with hunger. No mercy is shown. Just because they cannot be controlled, the Rio de Janeiro government who are also lacking in terms of monetary funds have given specific instructions to the police and the armed forces to shoot these children who are born out of wedlock down for they're an eyesore to the community. Where is love? Is all but lost??
Then in India. Mr P.B. Desai, an Indian scientist wants to carry out his 'headless cloning' experiment even though the Indian government does not support his ways of altering nature. Mr Desai takes things into his own hands and perhaps, he wants to 'play God'. The headless human clones will be kept alive in laboratories for organ harvesting. Indecent? Perhaps. Things might turn awry and then, there is the future to take into account. But no, his supporters insist that they are indeed 'helping' patients of various ailments to live better lives with organ replacements. Sheesh, who'd want a headless being visiting them at night? :)
Anyway, I created this blog because I feel a need to express myself. You know, get my thoughts displaced like in the Archimedes' principle. And maybe Newton's :) Every action has a reaction. Haha... I just farted. It was loud so it won't be a stinkeroo, obviously..
And yeah, there's the KFC!! Please DO NOT support them. They produce Kentucky Fried Cruelty!! Seriously, You should watch the videos of KFC production! They scald chickens alive! Anyway, that's all.. I'll fill in more about animals, bacterial bombing and more.. Woo hoo, signing off, yours truly, the PETA supporter!! :p When I'm in the right frame of mind. Going cuckoo now =p

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